Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Fun Day!!

  Happy Sunday everyone!!

 For me Sunday is meal prep day. So today I have made Cheesy Chicken Penne for my lunch this week. It is a GOLO recipe and one of my favorites at that. 

I am going to tell you a little about how GOLO has changed my life! I mean changed it for the better. I have literally tried everything from eating nothing but salad to fasting to when I was younger (this was very dumb) but I ate nothing but M&M's and drink water for a few weeks. That was tough. HAHA But I was young and dumb and had no clue what I was doing,

 Now I have been heavy my entire life. I started getting fat when I was in third grade. I was made fun of on a daily basis. That just made me depressed and eat more so I gained more and more over the years. When I was 16 years old I weighed in at 225 pounds. By the time I was 25 and met my husband I weighed 270. We have been together for 14 years and right before I found GOLO I was my heaviest at 320. I was miserable. I was depressed worse than ever. Anxiety through the roof. Wouldn't go out hardly in public. I just wanted to stay home I was worried what people said about me. I didn't want kids to look at me I had a time when some kids laughed at me when I was walking between cars. It really bothered me.

  When I started Golo back in March I was really discouraged at first because I was afraid I wouldn't like the food and I didn't want to prepare for the week. I was lazy. So I just took the pills and ate a lot of Birdseye frozen meals. I know I probably shouldn't have eaten that but I did. I still lost weight. About mid may I decided it was time to try some golo recipes. So my first time making one was the Cheesy Chicken Penne. I didn't like spinach so I was really really afraid to try it but I did anyway and OMG it was the best!! I loved it.. I still love it!! I will make a batch of that and just eat it for lunch all week. I am one of those that can eat the same thing just about every day.
 After trying the cheesy chicken penne I decided I was game for trying other. I made the coffee rubbed steak, then the meatloaf cupcakes and so on and so on.  I absolutely fell in love with so many recipes. I also do not mind meal prepping anymore. It actually makes my life way easier. I meal prep usually for 4 days at a time for myself. Like I said I can eat the same thing just about every day it does not bother me at all. Now for dinner I only prep for 2 days at a time because my husband has gotten to where he would rather have my golo food than what I cook for everyone else. HA!!

  The way meal prep has made my life easier is instead of standing over the stove every day I can do other things. Like on Mondays Wednesday and Fridays I clean my entire house. Yes my entire house!!   Now I have so much more time to do things I want and need to do. I don't have to worry about what I am going to cook for dinner or what I was going to have my husband bring home to eat. It is already done. I even meal prep for the rest of the family. It is just so freeing.

 Some examples of what I do now is exercise. I try to walk at least 2 days a week I do 4 miles each day. Also 2 day's a week I do aerobics. I love my aerobics class. I do not feel rushed. I can take my grandma or son to the doctors office and not worry about what I am going to eat for lunch. I already have it done. I just warm it up before I leave my house and when it is time to eat I eat. Yes sometimes people look at me but I don't care anymore. I am getting healthy. Also a lot of the time when people see what I am eating they ask what it is because it looks so yummy!!

 The Title of this blog is probably deceiving to some. Sunday Fun Day!! But meal prepping is fun to me. I look forward to it every week. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these recipes I LOVE the way I feel after eating them (full) and I love what I am becoming and I love my GOLO life!! Sunday Fun day has a new meaning to this family. To us it is a day that starts our week out healthy. The healthier I get the more fun my family can have.

  My advice to anyone reading this today is. Take one day out of the week to cook. It makes life so much easier to deal with. It makes getting healthy easier than a lot of other programs and diets make it look like. With Golo I don't have to count calories or fat or anything. I follow the recipe put the servings in containers and eat. How easy is that!!? 

Have a great day. Till next time!


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