Saturday, January 4, 2020

When I was younger

Hello fellow Badasses!! If you are reading this then you that means you are following me on my journey and thinking about or already starting your journey. Let me tell ya this is hard work. It does not come over night and your going to fuck up some days. That is life.   We got this!!

 So this week I will tell you about how my week went and also a little about myself. I am thinking today I am going to tell you all a few stories that are fun from when I was growing up. So you can get to know me. The real me.

 So I was raised in 2 different towns I guess you can call them. I like to think of them as worlds because one was very rural and one was a small country town. For most of my young life I lived between my grandparents and my mothers. My younger years were with my grandparents until I was in about 3rd grade. Then stayed mostly with my mom. I am not going to go into a whole lot of detail because I have some harsh memories of not being treated the greatest. I am working on those feelings from back then right now along with my weight loss. Past is the past. No more Negativity in my life!!

 Ok so I am moving on I want to tell a few stories of the crazy stories.

So before I went to live with my mom I lived with my grandma and grandpa. They spoiled me rotten. I can remember once when I was probably first grade maybe grandpa and Jimmy lee my uncle were going to go to the Greene County Inn for breakfast and then go cut wood over around the Owensburg area. Well I wanted to go to breakfast and grandpa said I had to go to the woods with them if I went to breakfast he wasn't going to bring me back home. I said ok so grandma got me bundled up and off we went. Well we got to the woods and guess what? Little princess Amber wanted to go home. I was at the truck with Jimmy Lee because he was loading what was cut and I asked him how we were going to get out of the woods. He said he didn't know we were lost. So I told him I was going to go look for a way out. He said ok. So off I went trucking through the woods. I guess I have good sense of direction because I found the woods opening at the highway and I remember calling out I found the way out. When no one answered I thought well I am not to far from Grandma Ferns house I am going to walk there. I know grandma is there and it will be warm. So off I went walking down the highway. About 6 years old. I will tell you this I do not have a sense of
distance because I was miles away from my great grandmas house. I guess after I was gone a while and grandpa noticed he about died. He had police and every person in this county looking for me. He is the one who actually found me he was at a station and someone said I just saw a little girl walking down the highway about that size. He shot down there and got me. I thought for sure I was going to get my ass beat off. But he grabbed me hugged me cried and took me home. I remember pulling into the drive way and grandma running out to me. When we got inside grandpa wanted to whip me for scaring him so bad but grandma wouldn't let him. Instead I got Ice Cream.

    Later when I was older and had my licence and lived with my mom, her boyfriend stayed up in the city at a motel 6 a lot because she was a manager. My sister and I stayed back home in the country by ourselves. OMG I was 16 she was 13 and we were wild cats. One night while we were alone we decided to take my uncles girlfriends sisters car out for a joy ride. It was being repo'ed so they were hiding it out where we lived. Very dumb of them to leave the keys. We took that car up this mountain basically to a friend who lived way up in the woods. We destroyed that car and didn't even know it. There was great big ruts in the road and it tore that oil pan up. We did not get in trouble for it for some reason.  Another time we were unsupervised we decided we were going to go egg our bus drivers bus. So we get up to the bus it is the middle of the night and my sister is sitting on the door through the window getting ready to throw it and I freak out and hit the gas. Well she falls out of the car and I didn't even know it. I looked over and she was gone so I stopped looked in the mirror and she is dying laughing running for the car. Dear lord I am surprised someone didn't die. We were so awful!!

   I have so many more stories of crazy things me and my sister did. I have a whole book of things I did after I moved to Worthington.. I am really thinking about doing a series of my shenanigans of those years. Those years were some of the best of my life.

   To be Continued........

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