Sunday, January 12, 2020

Love, live, be positive!! Makes life so much better!!

 What a week this has been. It has been an amazing week!! First off my dad had 2 different scans on his body. There was no signs of cancer that showed up on them. He will be doing chemo 1 day a week for 3 weeks on 1 week off for 4 months. Then rechecked. We couldn't have gotten better news on that. Also, I lost 2.5 pounds on weigh in day 1/2 an inch. I worked out 4 out of 7 days. My Food intake was great and water was not bad. Also I was able to touch my toes again!! So I have had a wonderful week. Now I am going to tell you about some things that I have been thinking about. The changes I have made over the past year.

So January last year like others I was going to change my ways. I was going to get healthy but guess what it didn't happen. At least in January or February and half of March was a waste to.See back around Christmas of 2018 I let someone come around because well it was Christmas and I had a soft heart for this person and it backfired on me. This person was always like a baby sister to me. Drugs took her away from our family a few years ago and well we know how addicts are. Make us feel guilty for not helping them ect. ect. She knew exactly how to get to me. Anyway, long story short. I let her back in. big mistake!!

 Skip to March, 2019. I am finally over the disappointment of my addict and decide to move on and I find GOLO. That was like a big turning point in my life. I not only started getting more social I was looking at things more positively.  Life was going smoothly. Yes it was still chaos with the kids. That is just life.

I know I skip around a lot and I am not going to go into anymore detail about what brings so much negative vibes to me but I will say just hearing this persons name brings me into a complete funk for days. If they call I shut down for hours. They are the negative in my life and I had to cut it off for good to help myself.

  In December 2019 I told myself I was not going to let any negativity back into my life. Whether it is a person or news anything. I am looking into life positively. So far this year it has been good. I am on day 12 of living positively and my soul feels good. I am learning that negative thinking and people only make us like them. Who wants to live day to day only thinking of the bad things when there is so much good to see.

  Think about it. Think about what is the worst thing in your life? What is the best thing in your life?

For me The worst thing in my life is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. One of the best things in my life is My son Jude who has the worst thing in my life. Now I can not get rid of DMD. It is not ever going to go anywhere and it is going to eventually take one of the best things in my life away.  For the longest time I focused on the bad part and lost site of what was important. Do you know what it is like to live day to day only focusing on the fact that your child will die before you more than likely? It is not good!! You don't enjoy the life. You don't enjoy your child when it is the most important thing to do. Your scared of every little ache every little sneeze. I am sorry but that is not living. That is being a prisoner of your own negative mind.

  I have been looking at how I lived these past 10 years in a funk and how I missed to much. My eyes have been opened to see that things can be so much worse. Why focus on the bad things when the good outweighs it by so much more. I am going to embrace this life. I am going to embrace DMD and not let it ruin what time I do have with my Jude.

  One of the reason I decided to start this blog was to share some of the things that effect my life. I want people who look at their lives and think it is so bad it is so tough I can't do this. I can't succeed I can't do this or that. Know there are things that could be so much worse. Embrace the good. Embrace the positive it makes life so much more rewarding. It makes life so much more happy and worth while.

  Now I am going to ask every person who reads this to look at  What is Duchenne? Click that link or Google it and see what my son has to deal with on a day to day. See what a parent has to watch their baby go through. Read and know no matter what you are going through no matter what someone you love it going through there are no excuses to make your life better.

Make your life positive and happy. It is all up to you!! Only you can make that happen. And when you do you won't regret it. You will slowly start to heal, love yourself and be able to enjoy the things you have been missing out on.  I like to say let your light shine. We all have it lets show it!!

Feb. 2019                 Jan. 2020

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog today while checking out the golo website. You are incredibly inspiring. I have read about your son's condition and it looks like it's extremely rare. And as a parent of 2 adult children, I can't imagine what you go through daily. I struggle with a nerve pain condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) I developed it in 2010 after having carpal tunnel surgery. My nervous system perceives pain where there really is none. No injury, that is. My dr told me it can happen from a sprained ankle, gun shot wound, even snake bites. I have pain from my shoulders to my fingers, both sides. It leaves me exhausted...even though I take prescription pain meds, the pain is not controlled. So after nearly 10yrs I've gained weight and I struggle with depression as well. I know when I get out and walk my dogs, and eat better I do feel better over all. I'm kind of just on hold until there is something else medically that I can do. I've had numerous epidural injections and even a spinal cord stimulator. But nothing has worked.
    I am definitely working on getting my health under control and concentrating on the things I can control. Making better choices! I look forward to following your journey and I am praying for you and your adorable son. XOXO
